NPD Outreach Grants

The board of directors of the Northern Plains District is looking for churches who are interested in making an impact in their community.

It is hoped that by being an active and beneficial agent in a community people will be drawn to inquire as to what causes a church body to care about those in need. In pursuit of these goals, we have made available $10,000 of district ministry funds, to be given as grants of $1,000 each. The goal is to help churches impact their communities, not to increase church attendance or to help churches meet their annual budget.

Examples of community needs which grant funds might be used to address are: children, the elderly, the impoverished, single parents, and minorities, as well as overall needs of each church’s area of influence. This is not an all-inclusive list. The projects/programs can either be a new concept for the church or a new way to enhance an existing project/program that is currently in place in their community. These projects/programs are not required to be explicitly evangelistic, but they should demonstrate the love of Jesus to your community in some way.

Your grant application should include how the community would be positively impacted by the service and how the $1,000 would be used to fund the project. Should a church be selected to receive funding through this grant process, a report to the NPD on the status of the project will be required within the year. It is recommended that any portion of the $1,000 not used would be returned to the district.

If you would like to apply please complete the form below.

NPD Community Outreach Grant Application